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Graduate Student

Theodora Konstantinou
Graduate Research Assistant - CE

Theodora was born in Athens, Greece.  She is a Ph.D candidate in the Transportation and Infrastructure Systems program at the Lyles School of Civil Engineering. She received her Diploma in Rural and Surveying Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, where her research focused on developing a mathematical programming model for the efficient design of a mobile emissions inspection service.  Theodora obtained her Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering (MSCE) from Purdue University, with a thesis about the market adoption and impact of electric roadways on criteria pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. For her master's thesis, she received the 2020 Charley V. Wootan Memorial Award, given by the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) for the best thesis/dissertation in the field of transportation policy and planning.  Her current research interests include transportation electrification, emerging technologies, environmental implications, and sustainability. 

Theodora has also served as one of the executive council members of the Advancing Sustainability through Powered Infrastructure for Roadway Electrification (ASPIRE) Student Leadership Council (SLC), representing Purdue University, and as a member of the Research Thrust Interaction and Professional Development committees of ASPIRE SLC. She has also served as the secretary of the Purdue Student Chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and as a council member of the Purdue Hellenic Student Association (HSA). 


Current Projects:

  • A Strategic Assessment of Needs and Opportunities for Wider Adoption of Electric Vehicles in Indiana
  • ASPIRE - Advancing Sustainability through Powered Infrastructure for Roadway Electrification: Establishing a Baseline for Transportation Electrification: Adoption Metrics, Data Analytics and Learning Methods


Past Projects:

Feasibility Analysis of Electric Roadways Through Localized Traffic, Cost, Adoption, and Environmental Impact Modeling

  • Feasibility Study and Design of On-Road Electric Vehicle Charging Technologies
  • Public Acceptance of INDOT's Transportation Services


Selected Publications:

Konstantinou, T., Gkartzonikas, C., and Gkritza, K. (2021). “Public acceptance of electric roadways: The case of Los Angeles, California.” International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 1–25.


Konstantinou, T., Gkritza, K. (2021). "A multi-criteria decision-making approach for a statewide deployment of dynamic wireless charging for electric vehicles."  Advancement in Transportation Studies. (53), 5-22.


Konstantinou, T., Kepaptsoglou, K., and Kopelias, P. (2020). "Mobile vehicle emission inspection service optimization: a flow intercepting location model and application". Transportation Planning and Technology, 43 (2), 174-187.


Her Master's Thesis, also done in the STSRG at Purdue: Market Adoption and Impacts of Electric Roadways on Criteria Pollutants and Greenhouse Gas Emissions